Saturday, July 9, 2011

Happy 4th Of July!!!!

We celebrated the 4th of July the other day, Boden's 1st 4th! That day the temperature was 104 during the day and if any one else has been here during the summer, they'll know that it doesn't cool off very much at night. It was so hot sitting outside that night but we still enjoyed seeing all the fireworks! We went down the the airport and got on the top level of the employee parking garage and we had an awesome view of the valley and the strip was right in front of us!

His hair was so wet from sweating so bad...

But hims was still happy!

Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday too!!

Valley of Fire drive

Up north of Las Vegas their is a National Park called The Valley of Fire. The other day we took a drive out to see what it was all about. It was a good little drive. It was so hot that we only got out a couple of times for a few minutes but it was fun and something to do.

Their was stop points a long the drive that you could get out and read about the history of the rocks and why they were the way they were so it was interesting. Next time we will just go on a cooler day... :)

Boden goes swimming!

We took Boden swimming the other day and he LOVED it!

We tried getting him a little pool for the back yard...

 This lasted a think a whole 5 minutes.... He is too busy for that size of pool. He just wanted to crawl out and let the water out the sides.

So we took him to a real pool....

He loved splashing in the pool and keeping nice and cool. I think that afternoon it got up to 110 degrees so it was a good way to stay cool for a while!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Hims loves his Jumper!

Boden is the busiest babies I have ever seen! He doesn't sit still for 2 seconds. He has a jumper that he LOVES! He will jump in it for what seems like forever. But sometimes its pretty hard work....

Sweet baby :)

Boden's first time golfing!

A couple weeks ago Skyler's Grandparents, Ray and Sherma came down to Mesquite to golf for a week. We both had a couple days off so we drove up and stayed with them for a couple days. The weekend was so much fun, the weather was perfect and so was the company.

We got there Saturday afternoon just in time for a round of golf so we packed up Boden and took him for his first 18 holes. He Loved it, took a couple naps and got to get out and play in the grass a little bit and enjoyed the sunshine.

Sunday we took a break from Golfing. We went to Church and then just layed around the rest of the day.
He was pretty proud of himself getting his pants off!

Relaxing with Great Grandma Sherma
Monday we went out for another 18, another perfect day....

Tuesday morning we had to headed back to Vegas but we had such a good weekend and good memories made!!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Make a wish run!

Yesterday was the 12 annual Make a Wish 5k run here in Vegas. My Orthodontic office signed up to run in it as a team and got our patients involved to raise money for it. Skyler and Boden ran with us, it was so much fun to do it as a family! This was the first 5k run for either of us and we did a lot better then both of us thought we would! We stuck together the whole time (except when he thought it was the end he started sprinting but when he found out it wasn't he stopped and waited for me) we crossed the finish line in 30.32 minutes. Better time than both of us thought we'd get. I started out pushing Boden but was going to slow for Skyler so he took over and pushed the rest of the time and i had to keep up with them.
His running get up!

Us before the run started

Just waiting....

The office staff...everyone was there but 2

Riding just tuckered him out! He fell asleep about half way threw and then woke up after we stopped

Us after the run.
It turned out to be a really fun morning and for a good cause, it'll give us something to look forward to next year and for any of you who wanna join us next year the more the merrier!

Catch up!

After the crazy business of the Christmas Holidays the last month has been kind of low key and that's been ok with us!

At the Beginning of the year I went back to work. It was sad to leave my boys but it helped knowing Skyler was going to be the one staying home with Boden during the days and I am only working 3 days a week. Skyler's shift for work is a split shift so he goes to work in the mornings, comes home, i go to work and then Skyler brings Boden to me as he is going back to work. Makes a long day for Skyler but it's worth not having to having to pay a baby sitter.
This is his outfit Skyler dressed him in the first day he was home with him. He loves putting him in stuff that is going to get a rise out of me, Hence the boots tucked into his pants :)

Since we have been back Skylers day on and days off has changed as well, he worked two weeks straight and then started 4 days on 4 days off so we haven't been able to go home as much either. We have been home once for a short weekend but that's been it.
Seth was trying to teach Boden how to play games on the iPod but he quickly got annoyed with him and was complaining that Boden was scratching him!

Boden and Dax were catching up on things that happened since they last saw each other :)

While we were home Krystal, Lori, my mom and I took all the boys in to get their pictures taken for Valentines day. We had Micha at Shutter Girl Photography take them and she did an amazing job!
Boden at 3 months

He wasn't too happy about things. He was didn't feel good the day, little did I know he was sick and would be for the next week :(

My Love!

All the little boys! When Stephanie's kids are home they are going to get pictures and get added to this one so all 8 of the grand kids will be together!
Lori and Krystal got some really cute ones of their boys too but here is just both of their groups...

And one of Dax just because Lori sent it to me and it's too cute not to put up!!

So that sums things up for us... Us just working and being a little family of three and Loving life!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A day that will never be forgotten!

Sunday December 26th was a day that will never be forgotten! On that day our little angel was blessed along with his two cousins Dax and Knight. All three were blessed in the same meeting, my dad blessed Boden and Dax and my Grandpa Hillam blessed Knight. All three got special sweet blessings and were really good babies! At the start of the meeting I was a little worried about Boden because he was being fussy and we thought for sure Dax was going to put on a show, but all three babies were perfect! It was so cool to see and hear all three of them be blessed together! We had so much family and friends there, I don't think the Groveland 1st ward knew what hit them! After the meeting we had a dinner at my parents house and everyone was invited. For dinner we had a Baked Potato bar with all the toppings you could think of and all sorts of yummy salads brought by in laws and grandmas. For dessert Brandon's mom, Suzanne, made sheet cakes and Skyler's step mom brought her famous Cream Cheese Brownies! We figured that we had 75 people at the dinner, and close to 15 extra people at the blessings that didn't come for dinner so we had an amazing turn out!

Skyler's Grandma Young, his dad with Boden, and his Aunt and Uncle Lisa and Richard

Skyler's Grandma Carlson and Boden


The Young family

The Murdock Family

Skyler's mom, Alie, us and Grandma Sherma

All the daddy's and babies

Almost the whole Dance family, Seth was sleeping

Sweet babies! Knight, Boden & Dax

Little angels! Knight, Boden & Dax

Momma's and babies

Grandpa Blake and Dax
Such a sweet day that couldn't have been more perfect! We so blessed to be able to do something like this and have such an amazing family and friends to be there to share the special day with!