Saturday, January 1, 2011

A day that will never be forgotten!

Sunday December 26th was a day that will never be forgotten! On that day our little angel was blessed along with his two cousins Dax and Knight. All three were blessed in the same meeting, my dad blessed Boden and Dax and my Grandpa Hillam blessed Knight. All three got special sweet blessings and were really good babies! At the start of the meeting I was a little worried about Boden because he was being fussy and we thought for sure Dax was going to put on a show, but all three babies were perfect! It was so cool to see and hear all three of them be blessed together! We had so much family and friends there, I don't think the Groveland 1st ward knew what hit them! After the meeting we had a dinner at my parents house and everyone was invited. For dinner we had a Baked Potato bar with all the toppings you could think of and all sorts of yummy salads brought by in laws and grandmas. For dessert Brandon's mom, Suzanne, made sheet cakes and Skyler's step mom brought her famous Cream Cheese Brownies! We figured that we had 75 people at the dinner, and close to 15 extra people at the blessings that didn't come for dinner so we had an amazing turn out!

Skyler's Grandma Young, his dad with Boden, and his Aunt and Uncle Lisa and Richard

Skyler's Grandma Carlson and Boden


The Young family

The Murdock Family

Skyler's mom, Alie, us and Grandma Sherma

All the daddy's and babies

Almost the whole Dance family, Seth was sleeping

Sweet babies! Knight, Boden & Dax

Little angels! Knight, Boden & Dax

Momma's and babies

Grandpa Blake and Dax
Such a sweet day that couldn't have been more perfect! We so blessed to be able to do something like this and have such an amazing family and friends to be there to share the special day with!

Catch up!

Sooo much has happened since my last post, I've been so bad at blogging lately, I'm going to be better this coming year, hopefully! So to catch everyone up on the last two months here it goes....

November was a busy month, on the 9th Chelsea (Skyler's sister) had a birthday she turned 23, the 19th was Seth's Birthday turning 3, on the 23rd was Zane's birthday and Knight Lynn Dance a healthy baby boy was born to Bryan and Krystal and big brother Kash. Then the 24th was my dad's birthday, also a long drive back to Idaho for Skyler, Boden and I. The 25th was obviously Thanksgiving, we ate dinner out to Shellie and Zane's with Darci and Travis, and Sky's Grandma and Grandpa Carlson. After dinner we went to my parents and spent some time there. Later that day Skyler and his family went to Harry Potter. Since Boden was so little and I hadn't seen any of the Harry Potters we just hung out at my parents while they were gone.
Dax and Boden on their 1st Thanksgiving!

Seth watching over them, he is sooo protective of them, especially Dax!

That's how Boden spent most of the day, sleeping :)

Boden's 1st time going to church!

and then to top off the month was my mom's birthday on the 30th! I hope I didn't forget anything, if I did, I'm so so sorry! It was a busy month but such a fun month. We had so much to be thankful for!

December we headed back to Vegas, all the previous trips going back and fourth to Idaho we drove but this time going back we flew so that meant Boden's first plane ride! He did awesome, slept the whole time and didn't even know what was going on!
1st plane ride!

Back in Vegas Skyler worked his week and I had my work Christmas party. For that we went to the Aria Hotel and Casino and went to dinner at Lemon Grass and then saw the Vegas show Viva La Elvis, I wasn't too excited to see it since I wasn't a huge Elvis fan but it ended up being really good and would recommend it to anyone. I also worked on getting all my Christmas decorations up, I put my tree up before Thanksgiving because I knew we would be gone a lot and I wanted more time to enjoy it!
My little helper!

Man its hard work helping put up a tree!

finished project!

After his work week we headed back home to Idaho where we stayed until after Christmas, Skyler came back to Vegas and worked two days but other than that we got to spend another 3 weeks there, it was the best! While in Idaho we were busy getting ready for Christmas, doing all our Christmas shopping and helping my mom decorate her house and baking. The closer Christmas got the busier we got with our families and all the Christmas parties. Finally Christmas eve came, Skyler ended up getting so so sick and spent the day on the couch, he was a trooper though and got up to go to his Dad and Tera's for the Young Christmas party and then we headed out to Janice Hansen's to spend time with his Mom, Zane, and Chick and the Hansen family. That about put him over the limit and when we got back to my parents he ended back up on the couch for the rest of the night. That night Stephanie and Garrick, Bryan and Krystal, Lori and Brandon, us, and all the kids stayed at my parents house. That night the kids acted out the Christmas Nativity and my mom read a story about the real meaning of Christmas to the kids and then they were off to bed on my parents floor. It was a house full but a night and morning we will never forget!The rest of the day we bounced back and forth between our families, it was really busy but we wouldn't have missed being with our families!
Baby boys and their matching jammies Christmas eve - Dax, Knight, Boden

The kids playing the Christmas Nativity

waiting to come down the stairs Christmas morning

all the sisters and matching pj's

Our 1st Christmas as a family!

Alie and Amy Christmas morning on Travis's 4 wheeler

Boden's Christmas outfit!

Alie opening her presents

Skyler helping put together Alie's toys
The day after Christmas was Sunday, we got to have all three babies blessed it was an experience that will never be forgotten, that deserves a post all by itself because it was so special! Here is a picture of the day until I get the rest up....

Finally as the month started to come to an end Skyler and I had to go back to Vegas for Skyler to go back to work. My mom and Stephanie's kids drove us down to the airport. Skyler flew out on Tuesday so he could be to work Wednesday and I stayed the night in Salt Lake with my mom and the kids and went to Temple Square to see the lights and then I flew back to Vegas the next day.
My mom and the kids at Temple Square

Boden all bundled up seeing the lights at Temple Square
 Well that was the last two months in review, a lot to catch up on and a lot of pictures! It was really hard coming back to Vegas after such amazing times and being around family so much, we both love our families so much and love spending time with them.